After a dinner of shark and potato, we spent the night with a handful (English - Katy, Steven, Sarah, Kevin. Welsh - Nicki. Scottish - Lorraine, more) we had met at Mana Island. We sat around a table on an enclosed offshoot of the main building with Fiji Bitters at hand. A game started called Fours and Sixes, and by the time I returned from a phone call, the game changed . One person says a famous persons name, the next game player then takes the first letter of the last name and uses it as the first letter of a famous first name. Later on the game changed to "I Have Never..". The idea here is that a person will say, for example, "I have never smoked a cigarette". If the person who said it is telling the truth, he does not drink, otherwise does. If the others gathered around can not agree with the statement, then he/she does. This was interesting and surprisingly revealing. Of course the subject immediately turned sexual, and the statements became more and more outrageous. Nikki in particular, had a streak of owning up to some pretty raunchy things, drinking to, "I have never slept with more than one person in 24 hours", "I have never had sex with more than one person", "I have never slept with someone of the opposite sex", and more (up to your imagination). At one point John tried to direct a question to the girls by saying, "I have never measured my mate", meaning boyfriends, by Steven and Kevin took it as 'mate' meaning themselves, and drank before the question was explained. The questions took funny turns, like "I have never had sex in the back of a car while my parents were driving", and "I have never been on a date and come out of a washroom with toilet paper trailing out of my pants", and "I have never been caught in the act by a police officer". It was alot of loud laughs. A wild story also somehow came out. One girl had peed in a glass, put it onto a bar in front of some guy, and watched him drink it. "But, he was a real wanker." Lastly, I suggested telling each of our most embarrassing stories, which actually was depressing tales from some. One told of being too heavy to stand on a wave runner while his friends all flew around, and another where a girl hooked up with someone and the next day when entering her college classroom, found her story told by a jealous foe to all attending, and all classmates instructed to laugh when she entered the class. I should have qualified the game by adding 'humorous' to the title. There were a couple of funny ones. Nicki had passed out early after a night of drinking, and afterward wandered around a dormitory unconscious and naked looking for a toilet. One guy and his best bud were engaging a girl, he had 'the front end', she didn't want him to finish there, but when he pulled out, he hit his mate. I had to tell the story from college about a couple I knew well. After a night of drinking she tied him to a bed and passed out on top of him. Without choice, he then fell asleep to waken later having to pee, but couldn't wake her. Without option, he, her, and the bed were soaked.